One week ago the Greek government announced it would be imposing capital controls and enforced bank holidays following a drastic decision by the European Central Bank to freeze the life support it had been drip feeding banks for the last five months. Since that day more that two- thirds of the country's companies began to dealing with tremendous problems with transactions abroad. Especially in the maritime industry this situation has led to a standoff.
Greek shipping companies having their ships mooring at ports all over the world and on the other hand International's Shipping companies ships reaching Greek seaports, encounter difficulties in discharging their cargo. This unexpected political development may create a number of traditional marine claims regarding cargo and ship's daily expenses.
Greece is eurozone's second country having imposed cash restriction. The first one was Cyprus two years ago, were was introduced on the island a massive bank run. Due to this political turmoil that surrounded the negotiation on every deal, the Cypriot government set restrictions on bank money transfers and withdrawals. After three consecutive years of recession the Cypriot economy is expected to growth from now on.
These two examples are the answer to those that were claiming that capital control is rare for developed economies. With these controls being an impediment to foreign shipping companies the future of the Greek Marine Operations in unstable. Despite this plunge Greek Maritime Companies have the strength to get through this difficult situation. Displacement is not a solution. The future can not be predicted, but can be prevented.Cyber Fraud