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Our origins are traced back in 1932 when Nicolaos Apostolou began his marine insurance broking activity with Messrs.Moussouris - Politis Co.Ltd, followed by a number of years with D.S. Svoronos Co. Ltd, till he founded in the early sixties Apostolou – Svoronos Co.Ltd and later Apostolou & Co Ltd Insurance Brokers. Takis Bartsiokas joined the family company in 1977 and established Trireme S.A in 1991 and by maintaining the old ties he expanded significantly the business. Continuing the family legacy Cpt. Phoevos Bartsiokas and Ion Bartsiokas, joined the business permanently in 2010.


Both Companies Trireme S.A and Apostolou & Co Ltd Insurance Brokers, as International Insurance Brokers aim to develop first class International Insurance services by establishing long lasting relationships, beneficial to all parties concerned. We are proud that most of our clients have remained loyal to us and our cooperation for more than a half of century for 3 generations already. Our strength is our passion for offering a 24/7 personal service through decades of the highest international standards to all parties involved.

Insurance surpervising authority

Trireme S.A and Apostolou & Co. Ltd are mainly concentrating in Marine Insurance, Re-insurance and special services and are regulated by Bank of Greece and Piraeus Professional Chamber.

Athenean Trireme

The history

Athenian Trireme is rightly desribed as the masterpiece of Ancient Greek ship-building. It was a long, multi-oared warship with auxiliary sails, deriving its name from the three rows of oars which gave Athenians the superiority throughout the Persian Wars and played the leading part in the Naval Battle of Salamis (480 B.C).

According to Greek philosopher Thucydides, the Trireme was introduced to Greece by the Corinthians in the late 7th century B.C by Aminocles of Corinth.

Characteristics: Lenght 40-45m, beam 5 – 5,5m, draft 1,20-1,40. From the lower part of the bow a raw was projected which was the trireme's main weapon. This ship had a total of 170 oars on three levels manned by 170 rowers (54 thalamites, 54 zygioi, 62 thranites. The rowers of the Athenian Triremes were free citizens and not slaves.

Business portfolio

Our clientele mainly consists of Greek oriented shipowning and shipmanaging companies, closely working and co-operating with our office for 3 generations.

Nowadays our book of business includes a number of large shipping companies, some of them having entered the U.S.A. and London Stock Exchange, as well as medium to small size traditional Greek family shipowners & shipmanagers. Our established network of correspondents and associates provide worldwide access to Marine Insurance Markets.



Professional Chamber of Piraeus
Member of Greek Shipping – Shipbroking Companies Association (GSSCA)
Members of HELMEPA
Piraeus Marine Club
Ekali Club


Professional Chamber of Piraeus
Member of the Hellenic Committee of Lloyd's Brokers' Associates (1938)

Market recognition

Our Team

Panagiotis (Takis) E. Bartsiokas

Panagiotis (Takis) E. Bartsiokas

Licensed Insurance Broker

B.Sc. in Maths, Athens University. He completed one year internship at Messrs. Marsh LLC in 1977. Member of the board of the Hellenic Committee of Lloyd's Brokers' Associates (1938) and Honorary Chairman of the Professional Chamber of Piraeus in insurance broking.
Phoevos  Bartsiokas

Phoevos Bartsiokas

Licensed Insurance Broker

B.Sc in Shipping and Transport Management, B.Sc. in Marine Studies, Chief Mate Mariner.
His work experience begins in 1999 working for a traditional Greek shipowning company as a trainee. He served at sea for three years in total starting his career as an apprentice officer on Container and Bulk Carrier vessels. Consequently as second officer on container and tanker vessels, finally obtaining Captain Class B diploma and subsequently at Lloyd's Insurance Brokers as a trainee placing and claims broker.
Ion Evangelos Bartsiokas

Ion Evangelos Bartsiokas

Licensed Insurance Broker

B.A. in consultancy and independent research and M.Sc in management science with finance.
His work experience begins in 2001 working for two traditional Greek shipowing companies as a personal assistant, he worked as a trainee placing and claims broker at a Lloyd's Insurance Broking company and had one year internship at a London Average Adjusting company as a trainee average adjuster. During the summer of 2022 Ion completed with distinction the negotiation and influence course at MIT University.
Christina A. Bouga

Christina A. Bouga

Licensed Insurance Broker

B.Sc. in Shipping Business. Her work experience begins in 2012 as a freight and disbursements assistant for a ship owning company. Christina joined the company in 2013.
Dimitris E. Portokaloglou

Dimitris E. Portokaloglou

Licensed Accountant

B.Sc. Accounting and Finance. Tax Consultant A' Class – License of the Economic Chamber of Greece. His working experience started in 1985 as accountant and chief accountant in shipping companies.
Marilia Kouki

Marilia Kouki

Executive Secretary - Licensed Insurance Broker

Marilia studied in Panteion University, Athens. She is a licensed insurance broker, but also the Executive Assistant to the Director, bringing over six years of similar experience to our company.

Tassos Anastasopoulos

Electrical Engineer

He studied in ETH in Zurich. His working experience started in 1975 in the fastener industry.


Both companies are active / service the local Piraeus shipping community on seeking and providing first class marine insurance related solutions for companies in the shipping industry - tailormade according to the individual needs of every establishment. The classes of business we furnish as insurance intermediaries are outlined as follows:

01 Hull & Machinery Risks Cover (H&M)
02 Increased Value Risks Cover (I.V.)
03 War Risks Cover
04 Port Risks Cover
05 Loss of Hire / Earnings / Anticipated Freight
06 Loss of Commissions Cover
07 Errors & Ommissions Professional Liability Cover
08 Mortgagees Interest Insurance (M.I.I.)
09 Mortgagees Additional Perils Insurance (MAPI)
10 Protection & Indemnity (P&I)
11 Freight, Demurrage & Defence (FD&D)
12 Protection & Indemnity Charterers Liability Cover
13 Certificate of Financial Responsility (COFR)
14 International Carrier Bond (ICB)
15 Refund Guarantee Insurance Cover
16 Directors & Officers Cover (D&O)
17 ISM DP / ISPS CSO - Professional Indemnity & Legal Expenses Insurance Cover
18 Maritime Trade Revenue - Protection Insurance
19 Ship repairers Liability Cover
20 Marine Excess of Loss / Quota Share / Reinsurance Treatie
21 Kidnap & Ransom and Loss of Hire
22 Builders risks cover
23 Yard risks cover
24 Shipyard's liability
25 Delayed delivery and non delivery
26 Subsidies
27 Cruise cancellation
28 Bonded stores
29 Charterer's bunkers
30 Marina installations, terrorism and third party liability

Claim services

01 In House Claims Handling
02 Consultancy
03 Commutation Agreements

Corporate responsibility

Proud sponsors of:

Contact us

Marine Enterprises Building,
53-55 Akti Miaouli Str.
185 36 Piraeus,

Tel: +30 210 42 93 428
Fax: +30 210 42 93 396

ΓΕΜΗ - General Electronic Commercial Registry

  • ΑΠΟΣΤΟΛΟΥ ΚΑΙ ΣΙΑ - Apostolou and Co. Ltd: 054732309000
  • TRIREME S.A: 130941909000