Maritime Labour Convention (MLC) came into force on the 20th August 2013. Almost, a year later the International Labour Organisation (“ILO”) instituted several amendments aiming to implement the previously agreed principles by a joint IMO/ILO financial security working group. These amendments mainly relate to the provision of financial security in respect of shipowners' liabilities for repatriation of crew as well as contractual payments for death or long-term disabilities. Every ship that is either flying the flag of an MLC signatory State or is calling at a MLC signatory State is required to display certificates evidencing such security on board the vessel by 18th January 2017 issued by an Insurer or other financial security provider. All 13 Clubs of the International Group (IG) of P&I Clubs and some fixed premium facilities have agreed to provide ship-owners such certificates. However, some of the MLC requirements, such as financial security requirements to encompass unpaid wages in the event of ship owner insolvency, fall outside IG Club and fixed premium facilities covers; while the Clubs do generally issue the certificates under such circumstances, they have imposed a reimbursement obligation on their members or clients as appropriate. For the sake of completeness, it is noted that most Clubs have placed reinsurance to cover the latter extra risks. For more details please click on the following link: